How can I place an order?
We want to make it easy for you! You can place your order through our web form, phone, fax or email.
Order online:
As you browse our product pages, click on the item description for a detailed item information. If you want to purchase the item, just fill SKU/Item Code and Qty in the ORDER FORM and proceed with PAYMENT. And we will get in touch with you within 48hours.
Order by phone, fax or email:
You may contact us at +604-502 6618, Fax to +604-506 2160 or email to our email address at [email protected]. Place your order as you normally would. Email to us or fax to us the payment proof. You may make payment by bank in to our company account at Public Bank Berhad, or by using internet fund transfer.
Order online:
As you browse our product pages, click on the item description for a detailed item information. If you want to purchase the item, just fill SKU/Item Code and Qty in the ORDER FORM and proceed with PAYMENT. And we will get in touch with you within 48hours.
Order by phone, fax or email:
You may contact us at +604-502 6618, Fax to +604-506 2160 or email to our email address at [email protected]. Place your order as you normally would. Email to us or fax to us the payment proof. You may make payment by bank in to our company account at Public Bank Berhad, or by using internet fund transfer.
How can I pay my order?
Currently we accept all bank with cheque payment, cash payment, Internet fund transfer and on line credit card payment in Ringgit Malaysia(MYR). For consumers from worldwide, kindly visit the currency website for latest currency exchange rate:
Company Name: Chefutensile (M) Sdn Bhd
Banker: Public Bank Berhad
Bank Account Number: 3148028601
Company Name: Chefutensile (M) Sdn Bhd
Banker: Public Bank Berhad
Bank Account Number: 3148028601
When will my order send to me?
Most items ship by courier services throughout Peninsular Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak. Orders will normally ship next business day and allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery.
What if my items is damaged in transit?
There are rare instances when our products are damaged in the delivery process. Upon receipt please inspect the item carefully. If there is damaged please refuse the delivery and contact us at +604-502 6618. If the defect is noticed after delivery, please notify us and we will make arrangements for the item to be replaced.
Do you accept returns?(Return Policy)
We only accept returns on merchandise purchased from us within a 7 day period from the date you receive your order. To return please contact us by phone or email to obtain a Return Authorization Number. Please note items can only be returned if they are not open and in their original packing.
Upon receipt please inspect the item carefully. If there is damaged please refuse the delivery and contact us at +604-502 6618. If the defect is noticed after delivery, please notify us and we will make arrangements for the item to be replaced. (terms & condition apply only)
Upon receipt please inspect the item carefully. If there is damaged please refuse the delivery and contact us at +604-502 6618. If the defect is noticed after delivery, please notify us and we will make arrangements for the item to be replaced. (terms & condition apply only)
Do you ship international?
Yes, we do ship international. However the actual shipping charges will vary and based on the actual amount charged by the Courier/Freight services. International orders must be prepaid by in advance.
For further enquiry, please contact us at +604-502 6618.
For further enquiry, please contact us at +604-502 6618.
Currently we are seeking business associates and distributors. We welcome you to be part of the team and join the bandwagon of success as we are the major supplier and importer of kitchen utensil products.
Some of the benefits when you be a distributor.
a. Enjoy great discounts and support.
b. Benefit from our mass advertising online and periodic print advertising free!
c. Capture the market early
Email to us at [email protected] today, and we will provide you more details of the benefits and processes of being a distributor.
Some of the benefits when you be a distributor.
a. Enjoy great discounts and support.
b. Benefit from our mass advertising online and periodic print advertising free!
c. Capture the market early
Email to us at [email protected] today, and we will provide you more details of the benefits and processes of being a distributor.